On Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Q&As with Chad Brandenburg
Chad, tell us about your professional journey.
I am just starting my 12th year with AHT as a Technical Services Project Manager. In my previous careers, I worked in Inside Sales/Project Management for two different equipment manufacturers. All of my career, I have interacted with customers on a daily basis. It is rewarding helping them find a solution to their issue or problem.
What does a typical day look like for you at AHT?
As most would say, there is not a typical day, but I do a lot of quoting which involves reviewing customer prints and specifications along with possible fixture and/or tooling requirements, figuring out load sizes, and coming up with pricing. I also discuss requirements with customers on current and future projects along with giving them suggestions and options to meet their part needs.
Advanced Heat Treat Corp. offers 20+ surface treatments. What specific heat treating services do you primarily quote at the Burton Ave. location in Waterloo, Iowa?
A majority of the quotes I do are for induction hardening, carburizing, carbonitriding, and through harden. However, at our Burton location we also offer stress relieving, annealing, and a few blasting & cleaning processes. (View full list of Burton's services here.)
When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your free time?
My wife and I spend a lot of time with our families & friends, and try to keep up with our five grandchildren ranging 3 to 7 years old. I enjoy most things outdoors including working in the yard, nature walks, hunting, fishing, and bonfires. I also enjoy playing different types of cards.
What professional or personal accomplishment are you most proud of?
Putting myself though college and receiving a B.S. degree from Iowa State University
What is one thing people may not know about Chad Brandenburg?
I have done some auctioneering which I totally enjoy.
What is one thing our customers may not know about AHT Burton?
Our facility is open 24 hours a day starting Sunday night until Friday night so customers can drop-off or pick-up parts before or after normal working hours if required.
What piece of advice would you offer when requesting a quote?
Please include a print that includes the process, heat treat specifications, and material. (Request a quote here.)
Now, a series of quick random questions:
- Favorite Movie: Days of Thunder
- First Job: Working on my grandpa & uncle’s farm at a very young age
- Favorite Food: Pizza
- Least Favorite Food: Chinese food
- Person(s) Who Has Influenced You: Both my parents
- Favorite Vacation: Colorado & Las Vegas
- Favorite Quote: “It is what it is”
Have a question for Chad Brandenburg? Call him at 319-232-5221 or connect on LinkedIn.
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