On Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Q&As with Jeff Kamp
Jeff, you just started at AHT a couple months ago as our Quality Systems Manager. Tell us about your background before that.
I worked for a gear manufacturer in Waterloo, Iowa as their quality manager for 17 years, and before that, I worked for a cabinet manufacturer for 20 years. At that company, I worked in a variety of positions, starting out on the shop floor and later transitioning into several different management roles.
What about your background will help you to be a better resource to our customers?
I’ve been in management for a long time, including over 17 years in quality. At my previous employer, I built the quality department, getting the company ISO certified and handling all gage calibrations. I was also a customer of AHT’s before joining the team, so I understand what it’s like to be on the other side of things.
What quality certifications/trainings do you have?
I am a certified ISO 9001:2015 auditor and actually just completed training in December to update this certification. I’m also Six Sigma trained and have also completed safety certification trainings such as CPR, lifeguard and first aid.
What were your first impressions of AHT?
Everybody is very friendly, and people are always willing to help each other.
Aside from working at AHT, you’re also a swim/diving coach. Tell us more about that.
I started coaching USA swimming about 20 years ago, having the honor of coaching three of my own children. I’ve coached swimmers at state, zone and national championships. I took over the Waterloo high school and middle school programs eight years ago. I just sent my fourth athlete to a division one university on scholarship. I have had swimmers/divers break over 20 school records and have had athletes finish in the top six in the state over ten times, winning a state title last season. I coached my last season of middle school last season and am finishing my last season of boys swimming currently. In the future, I will concentrate on just the girls’ swimming and diving programs which are in the fall.
How else do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I enjoy riding my Harley around on the weekends. My wife and I will get on the bike and go for a lot of day rides. I also work on cars/motorcycles; I just rebuilt a Harley engine. I also spend my time shooting guns and have a range at my father’s house. And, I can be found at Iowa wrestling meets (I’m a season ticket holder).
Okay, so you mentioned working on cars and motorcycles, what types of vehicles do you own?
I own two Mustangs, two motorcycles and a Jeep.

What is one thing people may not know about you?
I don’t eat red meat. I stopped for health reasons four years ago. Since then, I’ve lost 60 pounds!
What is one thing people may not know about Advanced Heat Treat Corp.?
Advanced Heat Treat spends a lot of time becoming better… Training for employees, sending people to classes or just meeting to discuss how to overcome a problem or discussing customers’ needs.
Now, a series of quick random questions:
- First Job: Worked for a farmer doing odd jobs
- Favorite Food: Lobster / Crab (Seafood)
- Least Favorite Food: I hate baked potatoes
- Favorite Sport: Baseball
- Favorite Team: Yankees
- Favorite Book: My favorite books to read are history books, but I don’t have a lot of time to read with coaching
- Favorite Roadtrip? Colorado & New Mexico
- Married? Yes
- Kids? 5 Kids
- Pets? Yes, Dog (labradoodle)
Have a question for Jeff? Give him a call at 319-232-5221.
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