On Thursday, August 26, 2021

Q&As with Lexi Springer
Lexi, you just started at AHT a couple months ago. Tell us about your professional and educational background before that.
I graduated Iowa State in 2020 and during my time there I interned with Danfoss Power Solutions in Ames as a failure analysis intern. After graduation I worked at John Deere in Waterloo for a year as a Materials Engineer. My primary job function was failure analysis as well as helping with supplier quality issue and supplier auditing. I also serve on one of ASM’s International Board of Directors!
What aspects of your previous work experience are beneficial to your position at AHT today?
Having experience from the customer viewpoint greatly benefits being on the supplier side now! I know what type of information customers are looking for as well as how to handle quality issues on both sides. I also learned a lot about heat treatment which has helped me get my footing here at AHT.
What were your first impressions of AHT?
AHT works as one big team which makes it a really great environment to work in! Everyone is willing to help out and chip in when needed. In the few weeks I’ve been here you can tell people really put the customer first here and take pride in the work they put out. The company truly treats each and every employee with respect.
You are currently training in Waterloo, Iowa and then will relocate to our location in Monroe, Michigan. Describe your training so far.
I’ve gotten immediate hands-on exposure and training which has made picking up the basics much easier. It has been a good balance of learning the procedures we follow as well as going out on the floor to see the process first hand. I’ll be wearing two hats so to speak when I move to Michigan so it’s been a lot of the technical/quality side as well as metallurgical training. It is a really unique process to learn and I’m trying to soak up as much as I can!
You attended Iowa State University. What did you study there?
I studied Materials Engineering with a focus in metals and polymers, but I truly loved the metals side of it. I worked as a research assistant for some time studying the effects of processing parameters on the metallurgical properties of 3D printed stainless steel. My senior design project involved evaluating various suppliers for a bimetallic bronze-steel valve plate used in pumps and motors. I took a few biomedical engineering classes as well and am hoping AHT will continue to grow in that market!
When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your free time?
Oh boy, I’m a bit of a hobby juggler! I enjoy baking, painting, pottery throwing, as well as glass blowing. I’m a huge book, video game, and board game nerd as well. I enjoy hiking and kayaking as well.
What is one thing people may not know about you?
I get told quite often that I’m a “surprisingly good cook”. I have yet to figure out if that is a compliment or not.
Now, a series of quick random questions:
- First Job: I was an Arby’s Cashier.
- Favorite Food: I’ll always go for anything Thai – especially pad kee mao.

- Least Favorite Food: I can’t stand olives.
- Have You Ever Played a Musical Instrument? I don’t have a musically inclined bone in my body!
- Favorite Sport: I enjoy both watching and playing soccer.
- Favorite Team: For soccer, Orlando Pride. Iowa State for everything else!
- Favorite Book: The Martian by Andy Weir
- If you had a Super Power, what would it be? Teleportation
- Favorite Vacation or Road Trip? I road tripped along the East Coast once which was really cool!
- Hobby? Anything artistic! I paint, throw pottery, and blow glass.
- Favorite Quote? “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
- Pets? I have a Mini Australian Shepard named Ducky.
Have a Question for Lexi Springer?
Call her at 319-232-5221 or get connected on LinkedIn.
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- meet the team