On Monday, February 11, 2019
Press Releases

WATERLOO, IA – February 11, 2019 – Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT), a recognized leader in heat treat services and metallurgical solutions, announced today the completion of the 15,000-square foot building expansion at their corporate headquarters located in Waterloo, Iowa.
The milestone was celebrated on February 7 with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting, donning the AHT brand color of purple. AHT employees, government officials, local economic leaders, and the contractors and construction crew were in attendance. (View pictures from the ribbon-cutting in our Facebook album.)
AHT President Mike Woods commented, “The expansion is a knockout! A great group of people - both internally and externally - put their minds together on a mission and created a great extension of our facility. We’re excited about the additional space that’s going to allow us to grow, bring on new services and enable us to better serve our customer base.”
Last month, AHT announced their three new gas nitriding units with plans for a fourth before the end of the year; these units are housed in the new addition in order to separate the gas nitriding equipment from the ion (plasma) nitriding units at the corporate headquarters.
AHT has four locations: two in Waterloo, Iowa; one in Monroe, Michigan; and a fourth in Cullman, Alabama. AHT also plans to expand its Burton Ave location in Waterloo where traditional heat treating services such as induction hardening and carburizing are offered.
Woods added, “This past year has been exciting. We attribute this to our amazing employees, great relationships with our customers, and our continual investment in the future. We thank everyone involved and look forward to another great year.”
Pictured below:
AHT President, Mike Woods' kids created a replica of the corporate headquarters and the expansion using LEGOs. Woods used this to demonstrate what the building expansion was initially going to be (piece on left) and what it turned out to be instead (piece on the right).